
  • Associate 教授essor of 生物学

    教授essor 安吉拉Dassow received her B.S. 2003年获得威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校野生动物生态学和昆虫学学位. 在一家自然历史博物馆做了几年爬行动物学的首席准备和助理馆长之后, 她加入了教授. Michael Coen’s lab and earned her M.S. 2010年获动物学博士学位.D. 2014年在动物学. She joined the Carthage faculty in 2015.

    教授. Dassow’s research focuses on computational analyses of animal vocalizations, exploring correlates with human linguistic phenomena at the phonetic, 形态, 以及句法层面. This work has centered on understanding the vocal communication systems of wild and captive white-handed gibbons (Hylobates守护神); however, she has examined other species as well, ranging across a variety of taxa including cetaceans, 蝙蝠, 犬科动物, 和鸣禽. By combining aspects of ecology, 语言学, 计算机科学, 信息理论, 我们能够对白掌长臂猿的交流能力获得新的见解,并展示了它们声音交流系统中以前未被认识到的复杂性和结构.


    白掌长臂猿(Hylobates守护神)在拉辛动物学会发出雌性特有的响亮叫声和雄性特有的结尾序列来宣布它们的领土. 听录音片段 


    Animal Welfare Institute Funds Original 研究 on Human-Wildlife Conflicts

    达索教授是动物福利研究所资助的六名人类与野生动物冲突原创性研究的获得者之一. (Animal Welfare Institute, November 12, 2019)

    Ape Conversations: 研究ers Listen To, Analyze Gibbons At The Racine Zoo

    教授. Dassow researches the vocalizations of two white-handed gibbons at the Racine Zoo. (WUWM 89.7、2019年8月8日)

    Carthage team records sweet, yet secret language of gibbons

    教授. 达索和两个学生, Joy Layton and Azniv Khaligin, study the complex language of two gibbons at the Racine Zoo. (出赛 新闻, July 2, 2019)

教授. 达索与学生阿兹尼夫·卡利吉安和乔伊·莱顿在拉辛动物园研究长臂猿的发声. (Journal Sentinel, July 1, 2019)

    What I Learned in Puerto Rico

    教授. 安吉拉Dassow discusses her experiences in Puerto Rico during J-Term 2019. (Urban Milwaukee, April 3, 2019)

    Women in science have made ground-breaking contributions

    教授. 达索撰写了一篇令人信服的关于STEM女性及其对现代科学的强大贡献的评论. (出赛 新闻, March 25, 2019)

    Girls inspired by ‘Women in Science’ event

    教授. Dassow participates in 出赛 Public Museum event celebrating women in science. (出赛 新闻, March 23, 2019)

    Insects: A new source of protein coming to a supermarket near you
    教授. 安吉拉Dassow says eating insects is healthy and good for the environment. (出赛 新闻, December 2, 2018)

    • Ph.D. — Zoology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    • M.S. — Zoology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    • B.S. — Wildlife Ecology and Entomology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    • BIO 1010 Concepts in 生物学
    • BIO 1110 Molecules, Cells, and Organisms

    • BIO 1120 Organisms, Populations, and Systems

    • BIO 2200 Introduction to Ecology

    • BIO 3100一般生态学
    • BIO 3210动物行为 
    • 生物3320昆虫学

    • BIO 400A Vertebrate Ecology
BIO 4120高级研讨会

    • BIO 4900 研究 in 生物学

    “我研究的目标之一是通过描述进化产生的共性来探索脊椎动物的声音和手势交流系统, comparing developmental differences within clades, and searching call sequences for the potential of linguistic structure. 

    我的另一个主要研究目标是开发和使用被动声学监测来帮助保护稀有和濒危物种. Most of this work is done in collaboration with Fauna and Flora - Vietnam, where we study the critically endangered Cao-vit gibbon (Nomascus nasutus).

    Prior to focusing my research on bioacoustics and animal behavior, I studied the population dynamics of white-tailed deer, 灰色的狼, 布兰丁的海龟, 画乌龟, 鳄龟, 号声天鹅, 各种水禽, 猛禽和鸣禽, 豪猪, and central Wisconsin dragonflies. 我还研究了温度变化对巴西亚马逊雨林淡水河龟幼龟性别比的影响.”


    “One of the species I work with is the white-handed gibbon (Hylobates守护神). This species is native to Southeast Asia, 它生活在由女性领导的领地群体中,主要通过多种发声进行交流. 到目前为止, I have been able to identify and describe the vocal repertoire of this species, which consists of 27 statistically distinctive acoustic units. 我还能识别出它们捕食者警告叫声的动机和参考序列. 目前的研究工作主要集中在了解野生种群和圈养种群之间的叫声和尾语发展.

    我研究的另一个物种是极度濒危的高维长臂猿。. This species was thought to be extinct, but it was rediscovered in Northern Vietnam. Our current efforts are focused on characterizing the vocal repertoire, 绘制领地边界,开发它们发声的自动检测算法,作为被动跟踪它们在野外活动的一种手段.” 


    “In collaboration with the Timber Wolf Information Network, we are exploring the possibility of tracking 灰色的狼 (犬属红斑狼疮), 通过记录它们的嚎叫,然后分析这些叫声来寻找可以识别个体的声音标记.  到目前为止, 我们已经能够准确地对吼叫集进行聚类,我们未来的挑战将包括在我们的数据集中添加更多的个体, tracking vocal changes over time, and correctly classifying unlabeled howls.”

    Hominidae – Western lowland gorillas

    “University of Mississippi Anthropology 教授essor Dr. 卡洛琳·弗雷瓦尔德和我正在合作一个项目,在孟菲斯动物园对低地大猩猩的行为进行首次正式研究. 这项研究的目的是确定每只大猩猩的活动预算是多少. 要做到这一点, we are building an ethogram of various foraging, 运动, and agonistic behaviors between the four gorillas currently housed there.”


    “Vocal production in freshwater turtles is an emerging field of study.  Several species of turtles have already been recorded, vocal repertoires described and in the case of one species, maternal care has been associated with vocal interactivity with hatchlings. 目前的挑战包括在海龟离开筑巢海滩后追踪它们. Their small size makes radio transmitters prohibitive, 但海龟追踪机器人可以跟踪海龟,并记录幼龟之间的声音互动. 这项研究的主要目标是建立和部署一个自主水下航行器(AUV)来跟踪一只孵化的海龟并记录它的声音互动.”


    “我建议学生们进行与我正在进行的项目相关的本科研究. I am happy to speak with prospective students about their ideas and interests.”



    • 梅内德斯,.格罗泽克,A; & Dassow,. 利用发声多边化技术对高维长臂猿进行被动声学监测. NCUR海报


    • Khaligian,.雷顿,J.,阿特,J. & Dassow,. Function of onset timing in white-handed gibbon (Hylobates守护神) communication. NCUR海报


    • Khaligian,. & Dassow,. Patterns of play behavior in white-handed gibbons (Hylobates守护神). 博彩网址大全庆典
    • 彻底的,J. & Dassow,. 白掌长臂猿(Hylobates守护神) Hoo Note发声在不同捕食者类型反应中的作用. 博彩网址大全庆典
    • Roschii R. & Dassow,. 研究野生白掌长臂猿(Hylobates守护神)发声的开始时间和二重奏产生的持续时间. 博彩网址大全庆典
    • 麦金农,K. & Dassow,. Examining the behavioral ontogeny in captive white-handed gibbons (Hylobates守护神). 博彩网址大全庆典
    • C). & Dassow,. Refining acoustic unit classification of the Hylobates守护神 vocal repertoire. 博彩网址大全庆典
    • 莱顿J. & Dassow,. 圈养白掌长臂猿的游戏发声特征(Hylobates守护神). 博彩网址大全庆典


    • Khaligian,zniv and 莱顿Joy. Play behavior in captive white-handed gibbons (Hylobates守护神). Midstates海报
    • 船体,卡拉. 圈养和野生成年白掌长臂猿大叫声分析. 博彩网址大全庆典 Poster
    • DeRoach, Olivia and Yont, Ryan. 雄性白掌长臂猿(Hylobates守护神)鸣叫对捕食者模式的响应分析. 博彩网址大全庆典 Poster
    • )凯特琳. 重新定义白掌长臂猿声乐曲目中的声学单位(Hylobates守护神). 博彩网址大全庆典 Poster
    • Roschi,瑞秋. 研究白掌长臂猿(Hylobates守护神)发声的大叫声产生的开始时间. 博彩网址大全庆典 Poster
    • Van Dame, Katherine and 麦金农,Kathryn. 拉辛动物学会白掌长臂猿(Hylobates守护神)活动预算. 博彩网址大全庆典 Poster
    • Khaligian,zniv and 莱顿Joy. Play vocalizations in white-handed gibbons (Hylobates守护神). 确定海报


    • 船体,卡拉 and )凯特琳. Vocal features used to determine individuality among wild 灰色的狼 (犬属红斑狼疮). 博彩网址大全庆典 Poster
    • 史蒂芬,亚历山德拉. 西部小竹狐猴(Hapalemur occidentalis)觅食行为研究. 博彩网址大全庆典 Poster
    • DeRoach, Olivia, 史蒂芬,亚历山德拉 and Yont, Ryan. 野生和圈养白掌长臂猿(Hylobates守护神)叫声大的研究. 博彩网址大全庆典 Poster
    • 麦金农,Kathryn and Van Dame, Katherine. Activity budgets of lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) at the Memphis Zoo. 博彩网址大全庆典 Poster
    • 船体,卡拉 and )凯特琳. 野外漫游灰狼(犬属红斑狼疮)寿命监测的声学特征. NCUR海报


    • 船体,卡拉 and )凯特琳. 野外漫游灰狼(犬属红斑狼疮)寿命监测的声学特征. Midstates海报
    • 船体,卡拉 and )凯特琳. 野外漫游灰狼(犬属红斑狼疮)寿命识别与监测的声学特征. 确定海报
    • 史蒂芬,亚历山德拉. 白掌长臂猿(hyloates lar)大鸣声和尾声的非典型发声研究. 博彩网址大全庆典 Poster